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#4: Cassie Fireman

The Featured Artist of the Week is Cassie Fireman!

Cassie Fireman’s musical journey is a serendipitous adventure of discovery, empowerment, joy and fear. Growing up constantly on the move, she found stability through exploring her own creativity, immersing herself in writing and the performing arts. Cassie opens up by sharing that “Each song is a little piece of my heart finding its way home. I hope my music lights up listeners, makes ya wanna dance and fuels inspiration for whatever journey is next. If I’ve done any of those things, or made you smile, then mission accomplished.” When asked how she’d like to be remembered, she responded “As someone who remembered how to fall in love over and over again with life up until the very end”. Cassie is a part of a band: Dirty Mae; they went on to perform all over New York City, touring 12 states, playing over 90 shows and winning the Battle of the Bands at Grassroots 30th Annual festival which led to playing live onstage with “Donna and The Buffalo” at Shakori Hills, as well as being hand-picked as a performer for the Counting Crows’ Adam Duritz's Underground Sunshine Fest. She has led music and wellness retreats in Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua for 7 years where students perform concerts benefiting the Howler Monkey Wildlife Refuge and baby sea turtle conservations. Cassie founded and launched Big Red Fest- an all Women's Festival in New York City benefiting survivors of domestic violence and is always looking for new ways to connect, create and inspire a more balanced and sustainable future through music and art.


Cassie recently released her single ‘Chase’ (which I am so glad & grateful to have interviewed and reviewed her song) which in the interview she stated that the song all about “[...] the fear about losing yourself in a relationship, the fear of commitment of saying goodbye to your own self-expression or maybe your own wants and needs [...]”

You can check out the music video for ‘Chase’ here!

You can also check the interview that I did with Cassie here!

You can check out Cassie's Discography and listen to her other song ‘Thin Air’ Here!


You can check out band ‘Dirty Mae’ here and her website here!

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